Saturday, January 19, 2008


Well. It seems as though this Officer "Smith" alter ego of mine has taken off. I never expected to have two people reading this blog, let alone over two hundred.

As a result, I have added an e-mail address to my profile for the benefit of those who would like to contact me via e-mail. If you have always wanted to comment on my blog and you don't have a blogger identity, you can e-mail me now. If you have always wanted to tell me what an ass I am, but you've been polite enough not to make a public comment on my blog, you can e-mail me too. Whatever the reason, I may now be contacted by e-mail.

This is by no means a request to stop publicly commenting on my blog. By all means, keep the comments coming. The e-mail address is simply yet another line of communication into the world of Officer "Smith".

Thanks to all of my loyal readers.

1 comment:

Front Porch Society said...

You are very welcome! :)
I find your writing style quite enjoyable as it portrays your character through it. ;)
Keep up the wonderfully down to earth written posts!!