Monday, October 19, 2009

You Have GOT to be Kidding Me...

Thanks to the Mrs. for bringing this to my attention.

Read this first. I'll wait...

Immigrant activists call out 'Illegal Alien' costumes


Immigrant rights activists? A broadside attack on illegal immigrants? WTF are you talking about?

What Goddamned bleeding heart idiot coined the term Immigrant Rights Activists? That's just another way of saying you support illegal immigration. Perhaps you also support other illegal activities such as petty theft, vandalism, burglary and vehicle theft. These are crimes commonly committed in my area by illegals. If you Immigrant Rights Activists don't care that illegals break the law by crossing the border, then you mustn't care either that they commit these other criminal acts.

Why would anyone believe illegal immigrants have ANY rights in this country? This is the land of the free, if you're a CITIZEN or here LEGALLY! If you're here illegally, you have already broken the law by your mere presence in this country, and you go AGAINST everything this great country stands for.

If you want rights, you need to follow the rules, go through the process of obtaining a work or student visa, and come here LEGALLY. And don't try to give me any bullshit about "I can't afford to do it legally." You can afford to pay $10,000 to some coyote who may or may not get you across the border on the first try, or even alive for that matter. You really expect me to believe you can't afford to get a visa for less than a tenth of that amount?

Then you come here and crowd up my sidewalks and streets while you flag down passing cars in front of the local Lowes, Home Depot or OSH, and most of the money you make gets sent back to some third world village in Mexico instead of paying your taxes and supporting the local economy like the rest of us.

If people come here legally, they have the added benefit of being able to obtain a NON-FRAUDULENT Social Security number, which then allows them to LEGALLY obtain a driver license in California, and LEGALLY drive in California.

So now Target is going to bow to its largest customer base (the aforementioned illegal immigrants) and remove the costume from its shelves and web site. Because "legal immigrants" supposedly want to press for rights the illegals don't have, they make it more difficult for the rest of us to exercise our first amendment right to freedom of speech because we can't buy the costume from Target?

I think I'm gonna have to go find an orange jump suit and MAKE one of these costumes...


Unknown said...

I could not agree with you more. It's glad to see someone that represents the law voicing outrage at this. Your average US citizen would probably read the CNN article and just agree because they don't know any better, while their rights are being taken from them from a group of people that have no business (or rights) to be here in the first place.

The Swami said...

amen. every single word rings of the truth. this kind of idiocy going on every day is painful.

Sister Copinherhair said...

Gee...they missed their opportunity. They could have been at the G-20 too. Or maybe they were...


Mandypants said...

Illegal immigrants piss me off too, for all the same reasons you said. They don't HAVE rights if they're here illegally. I may be a bit biased, as my father's wife came to the U.S. illegally, and I was thisclose to not getting my top scret security clearance and losing my job because of her.

OrdinaryLife said...

I live in a small city in the Midwest that is experiencing HUGE problems because of illegal immigrants. We now have higher crime rates, drug & gang problems, and the city is starting to look like crap (no one keeps up their homes, mows their yards, etc). People who come here legally consider themselves Americans, take pride in their new life, and work hard to make things better for their children. I am all for that!
But the illegals come here, use up the government resources, get arrested (but never deported), and refuse to learn the English language, making all communication with them immpossible. They do not consider themselves to be American, and have no interest in becoming an American. They have no pride in this country. They are here for the free stuff!

Front Porch Society said...

Heh, you should definitely drive by the local Home Depot illegal spot and throw out your window orange jumpsuits while shouing, "Here's your halloween costumes!"

Anonymous said...

Where I live - The legal citizens have no rights!! And when we start screaming about our right's were called a racist! Which makes everyone here scared to oppose anyone, or stand up for what is right!

911 and the Randomness.. said...

I like the idea of making one too! I guess being a citizen means nothing if you're legal..

The Sicilian said...

They are undocumented immigrants, not illegal immigrants! Get with the program, people!

Dan said...

Wait, what? I like your blog, but this is just weird. What part of the First Amendment guarantees the right to purchase a costume from Target?


Officer "Smith" said...


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Yeah, just like terrorists are enemy combatants, not terrorists. ;-)


The freedom to express myself part. If I can't buy one, I have to make one. Did you miss that part?

Dan said...

You can still make one, though. You won't be breaking the law to wear it. Your rights aren't being denied. You haven't got a right to convenience, you have a right to expression. If I want to dress up as Little Bo Peep with a lightsaber and a handlebar mustache, I have to make that costume, too. The fact that Target doesn't carry it isn't a denial of my first amendment rights. They'd have to have a pretty enormous costume selection if choosing not to stock something that someone might want meant that they were violating the Constitution.

They didn't have the latest issue of Esquire at the supermarket this afternoon. (Which is a shame - Kate Beckinsale's on the cover!) That's not infringing anyone's first amendment rights, either. Even if it were removed because an anti-Kate Beckinsale hate group had threatened a boycott, they wouldn't be denying rights. There's no right to buy whatever you want wherever is most convenient to you.


Officer "Smith" said...


You keep ,going back to the denial of rights. If you'd bother to read the post, I said nothing about denial of rights. Rather I said it makes it MORE DIFFICULT to exercise the right.

I have to go track down the individual items, make the markings, etc.

I think you failed to see the larger point of the post though. That being the large illegal border buster population who make it difficult for the rest of us to live our lives, all while refusing to conform to the societal norms of the country they have basically invaded.

Try reading the post again, Dan. And this time focus on more than just the last paragraph.