Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Free Kids...

No, my kids are not up for adoption, even if I do sometimes feel like getting rid of them.

By "Free Kids" I am referring to this

I saw this sign in the window at our local Hollywood Video store a while back. I didn't bother to go inside and inquire as to how I could go about obtaining said "free kids". I have my own, thank you, and I probably didn't want to know anyway.

Imagine my surprise, when a month or two later I saw THIS sign on the same store:


Are they closing because they were giving away free kids?

The world may never know...


*Goddess* said...

Dang, that was a novel idea. And like many great ideas, ahead of it's time, no doubt.

Sure beats having to deal with stretch marks and morning sickness, though...

Beat And Release said...

You can't make a profit selling used video games AND giving away kids. I wonder who approved that business plan.

WW said...

Our Hollywood Video closed at least 3 or 4 months ago. I don't know if they gave away kids, but I know they are in the line of video stores closing in our area, we lost Hastings a few months before Hollywood Video. I believe other than the Redboxes, there's only one other video rental place in my town left.

Of course, people could just go to the library and get them for free like I do.