Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Driving Test Answer...

Okay, here's the answer to the driving test:

In California, and most other states, this roadway marking denotes a divided highway. This means you may not drive on these markings. This was a question on the written test I took a number of years ago, and I have difficulty understanding why so many people I contact have no idea they can't drive there.


As for the other choices:

This roadway marking denotes a two way left turn lane. Vehicles traveling in either direction may use this lane to turn left, however, you may not drive in this lane for more than two hundred feet.

Finally, this roadway marking denotes a no passing zone. Drivers may not pass other vehicles or drive to the left of this center line. You may turn left across this line when turning into or out of a private driveway or alleyway.

I have known these laws since I started driving, so I am befuddled as to how any driver who is licensed in California can claim not to know what these roadway markings mean. Many drivers I stop for these violations claim such ignorance.


Berserk said...

I don't think I've ever seen markings like the ones in your first illustration in my home state. Raised medians are popular here, though. I don't often catch people driving on those...

Front Porch Society said...

Odd question....know of anyone who wears an 8 1/2 in men's? I bought a pair of Bates Ultra-Lite Enforcers (waterproof) boots but I bought a 1/2 size too big. I have only worn them once. Need to sell them so I can buy the correct size.

Officer "Smith" said...

Oooof, nope, don't know anyone with feet that small. That's about 3 1/2 sizes too small for me.

Front Porch Society said...

lol. And for me, that means I have really big feet! ;) hehe!!
Can't find anyone that wears the size...I may just end up just having to swallow all that money spent and go fork out more for another pair.

TheBronze said...


Anonymous said...

Find a taller woman...I think a size 10 in womens equals a size 8 mens??

Front Porch Society said...

I am not even 5'3" tall and I wear a size 10 in women's (8 in men's) so heighth has nothing to do with foot size. Shockingly, I know.
Going to probably just swallow the $80 I spent on them and buy another pair. Once I get back from vacation. Need to save up for that right now.

Anderson Driving School said...

Thanks for sharing this information. These are some of the important points to be considered while preparing for the California driving test.

Loren Pechtel said...

I'm another driver that has never seen the markings in your first picture, although the correct meaning seems apparent.