Monday, September 29, 2008

A Vote for Me, Is a Vote for... Well, Nothing Really...

As I was walking into the courthouse this morning, I was greeted by a guy outside who was soliciting people to register to vote. Usually, I would applaud the effort to get more people to vote, but today... not so much.

First there was his appearance. The guy was a white dude in his 50's, and he looked like a felon. He was wearing a shabby Pendleton, and his blue jeans were sort of a greenish-brown and had holes all over them. Bic ink tats, fusty old beard, nappy hair, the works.

Then there was the sign. "On probation? Off parole? You can vote!"

And his "table" was a folding ironing board. He didn't even bother to throw a damned cover over it. Just leaned the sign against it, and he was off to the races.

C'mon now!

Yeah, this is the guy to whom I want to give all my personal information...


Murphy's Law said...

Oh come on...where's your civic pride?

Just tell him the your name, your occupation, your address, the times that you're not home...

I'm sure that nothing but good will come of it.


Seriously, I've always opposed letting felons vote. Do we as a nation really want this voting bloc to decide close elections? I sure don't. And if you think that felons can vote smart, I have but four words for you: DC Mayor Marion Barry.
A felon, re-elected to office multiple times by aggressively courting other felons. That's what happens when you let crap-birds vote. They elect other crap-birds and vote to ousts sheriffs who run tough jails, vote to lessen drug crime sentences, and support all sorts of other things that are detrimental to the public order. I'm all for lifetime bans on voting and gun ownership for felons, and as long as we've got wars going, I support post-sentence conscription too. There's plenty of non-combatant jobs they could be doing in Iraq and Afghanistan right now, freeing up better men and women for other things.

Ten 80 said...

You're such a pessimist! I'm sure everyone at the courthouse would vote for law and order and stiffer penalties for criminals. Oh wait. Nevermind.

TheBronze said...


You know damned well some sheeple gave him their info!

Officer "Smith" said...

Yeah, I could see his list was almost full when I walked by.

Reggie said...

I'm still fuming over your last post with the ratemycop deal. I would love to tune matts ass in bigtime. What a jerk! (want to say what I really want to call him) I saw it all was posting in March so a little too late to bash him. I've been pulled over 4 times, each one different, and everytime they were sweet as could be. I even got the seatbelt ticket and I still say he was very nice and I don't have a bad word to say about him. I was pulled over for speeding one of those times (there was a good reason) and guess what???? He didn't give me a ticket. I didn't flirt cuz I wouldn't, I just told him as he walked up to the car "yes I was speeding and here's why".

He didn't yell at me, he wasn't mean to me, and he didn't give me the ticket like I said. It was more then 5 miles over too. hhhmmmm Every cop I've ever met has been awesome, so matt if your reading this...YOU DON'T HAVE A LEG TO STAND ON ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!
Also I've been in front of cops before driving 60 in a 55, and guess ticket!!!hhhmmmmm again.

Anonymous said...

And all the people that gave him info will be calling me in a few month's reporting 'someone stole my identity!'
-Dispatcher (with Officer behind shoulder)

Front Porch Society said...

Um, yeah....I would not be giving that guy any of my personal information!