Why is there a National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), but not a National Association for the Advancement of White People?
Why is there a Black Peace Officers Association, a Latino Peace Officers Association, an Asian Peace Officers Association, but no White Peace Officers Association?
Why did my high school have an Asian Student Union, a Black Student Union and a Latino Student Union, but no White Student Union?
Why is there a United Negro College Fund, but no United Caucasian College Fund?
Why are the Black Panthers totally acceptable, but White Panthers would not be?
Because white people are racist. That's the best explanation I can figure. It is perfectly okay for any race other than white to gather together, form an organization and talk smack to every other race. But white people who do the same things under identical circumstances would be considered racist.
If I were to start a White Peace Officers Association, I would probably lose my job because some member of the "Black Community" would pitch a hissy fit and I would be labeled a racist.
Black people unite. Be proud of your "heritage". Hispanics, be proud. Asians, be proud.
But you white people can't have pride in your heritage, because you're just white.
Friday, January 16, 2009
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I hear you!......all sad but very true!
I think we SHOULD start one.. i might contact the ACLU.. i want to pitch a fit.. i need a bigger entity to do it for me.
You totally hit the nail on the head.
WTF is right!!
I think this post hits it right on the nail...
WE are the ones who are being discriminated against in all actuality. Heck, if you look at the populations of the world, caucasians ARE the minority.
But then again, we would be labeled extreme racists if we even voiced this truth in public!!
And in the news today... Detroit's top lawyer for the city had to resign after saying that Detroit's 36th District Court acted like a "ghetto court" because of the way that it treats people.
Oh yeah...she was white. Do you think she'd have lost her job if she'd been any other race?
I've thought the VERY same thing for a long time.
Great minds think alike.
We've often wondered these same thoughts. Thats why when it came to looking for the city we plan to retire to.. one of the selling features was that it was 89% caucasian and #2 mostly retired LEO.
-Officer and Dispatcher
If she was black, she could have said "All y'all niggas acting like a ghetto court", and it would be perfectly acceptable.
You will probably settle on retiring somewhere along the Snake River in Idaho. Mostly retired white cops.
Yep, WTF is exactly right.
The same question I have asked for years.
Just a thought. In the UK a BPA was formed some years ago and a lot of forces now have them, inc my previous one. There was the same outcry over here (although you guys have had these Assn's for much longer, I expect)until one bright spark decided HE wanted to join the BPA, even though he was white. There was a brief, awkward period of reflection. Result was they couldn't stop him because to do so would be illegal under British anti-discrimination laws. Made 'em think, as they never expected that one and as far as I know quite a few officers did this, to what end result I just don't know. Who knows what would happen if all the white cops applied to join all the black BPA's? As long as they stay friends wtf? Eventually the whole thing might evolve and become unnecessary - no, hang on, I'm now sounding like a dreaming idealist, I'd better lie down.
For my part, I experienced lots of racial abuse as a white officer during my service, but never once did I dish out any. The predominantly black areas I worked were preety even handed tho'. They didn't hate me because I was white, or police, they just seemed to hate everyone.I guess I have my own nation's colonialist, racist past to thank for all that. No need to keep blaming me though.
More - BET: Black Entertainment Television
Black History Month
I've always been under the impression that there are blacks who are more racist against whites than there are whites racists against blacks!
Years ago I was required by work (Mental Health Agency) to attend a Cultural Core Competency class. The presenter was black. We were asked to speak about our culture, traditions, etc. I was stumped. I had no culture, I had very few traditions... what did she want from me? I'm American! My spiritual culture was nothing like that of the Black African, or Oriental, and Hispanic. I was just a white girl, with a mixed heritage of Scottish and English, which for the most part, got left behind when my ancestors stepped foot into this country decades ago. I almost felt a bit of jealousy over my lack of color. Yes, that's how they made me feel. I was "lacking" in the people of color department.
I don't get why these organizations aren't seen for being racist..they are. I take pride in myself for the person that I am, not for the color of my skin, or even my heritage. Right here, right now what I do in my life is my source of pride. I say NONE of these organizations should be allowed to exist. How about a College fund for impoverished people, not just for a certain color of skin. A peace officers assoc of all races..etc. MLK and the like fought for equality..and when someone gets a job based on their race or sex, that is NOT equality. The situation has merely flipped.
Shitty things happened in history. It's time to move on.
Gigi said...
"Shitty things happened in history."
HISTORY being the important word there. None of which happened directly to most of the "minorities" these days, or even their parents in most cases.
It was time to move on a long damned time ago, but a lot of these "cultural groups" feel the need to hang on to past occurrences, real or imagined, in order to have something to bitch about.
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