Saturday, May 16, 2009

Get Loaded...

While I was writing a parking ticket this afternoon for a vehicle parked in a loading zone, the owner of the car to which I was writing the parking ticket came running out. She said she was "moving right now". I replied that she could move when I was finished writing the ticket.

"But there are only two other cars parked on this whole block! Why are you writing me a ticket?"

What this driver didn't realize (until I pointed it out to her) was that she had just exactly proven my point. There was approximately three hundred feet of non yellow curb space she could have parked in, but she chose instead to park in the yellow loading zone. By doing so, she didn't have to walk the extra thirty feet to get her "triple soy iced chai-mocha-latte-ccino thingy", but any truck driver who wanted to unload WOULD have to cart his boxes the extra thirty feet.

I used to be amazed at how many people just don't get it.

Now, not so much...


Front Porch Society said...

Geez....after having that for a drink, you would think she would want to park the extra 30 feet away just burn off all those calories! lol. :)

Mrs. "Smith" said...

Oh, I wish I had been around to see the look on her face. I'm not really surprised by how silly people are about parking anymore either, disgusted, yes.

Anonymous said...

Jeez, Smith, the world revolves around her! How could you give her a ticket? LOL!

Paige said...

lol, people never fail to amaze me!

Anonymous said...

If she can afford those drinks.. she can afford your ticket!!! Write away!!