Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Resisted...

I resisted the temptation to let testosterone override rational thinking.

I resisted the urge to deliver a swift ass-kicking to someone who so richly deserved it.

While riding down the main drag in a nearby city, I was held up in a bit of traffic. The cars were too close together for me to split, so I just slowed down and rolled with traffic for a minute or two. As I crept along, a local shitbag decided he needed to yell at me "I'LL TAKE YO BIKE!"

I was tempted to pull to the curb and say "I dare you", but I didn't.

I was tempted to stop and badge him to let him know the error of his ways, but I didn't.

I did the next best thing. I yelled back "Fuck you! I would just LOVE to see you try that..." as I continued riding.

Yes, I resorted to second grade behavior instead of ninth grade behavior.

Sorry to disappoint...


Mrs. "Smith" said...

Yup, your worst habit is your potty mouth. :)

anon said...

If a little cursing is your worst habit, then you're doing just fine!
Happy Memorial Day, I hope you get at least a part of the long weekend off.

TheBronze said...

Sometimes there's nothing wrong w/ being a 2nd grader!

David Woycechowsky said...

How would you have handled it if you didn't have your badge and gun on you?

MotorCop said...

I consider it a service. Some people need to be reminded of just how retarded they are. Throwing their vernacular and attitude back at them reminds them of same.

Besides, who doesn't just love fucking swearing, right?

Officer "Smith" said...

Well, David, I suppose if I didn't have my badge with me I wouldn't have considered badging him, huh?

It wouldn't have changed what I said. I'm not scared of some baggy jeaned, twistie headed loudmouth.

Beat And Release said...

I was warming up the Harley in the driveway one day when a water company worker said something similar, but in a joking manner. I told him he'd have better luck trying to take my wife. Hehehehe.

Sandra said...

Hey, you're human...I would have paid to see the look on the guys face. :)

Word verification - 'spidesse' - the art of knowing when to pay attention to your instincts, particularly when working as a police officer...aka, knowing when to believe your spidey senses that somethin ain't right

David Woycechowsky said...

That would have been brave if you didn't have your gun, but probab;y a bit foolhardy.

Front Porch Society said...

lol. Sometimes it just feels good to say what is on your mind! :)

Officer "Smith" said...

David Woycechowsky said...

That would have been brave if you didn't have your gun, but probab;y a bit foolhardy.

Well, David, for what it's worth, it mattered not whether I did or didn't have my gun with me.

I'm sure you have some skewed idea that a person with a gun will have an exaggerated sense of courage just because of the pistol at their side.

I would have said the same thing fifteen years ago, before I was a police officer. Nothing has changed. I do not put myself into situations I would not otherwise be in if I wasn't carrying a firearm.

I'm just not scared of the thug face put on by these losers.

Now, unless you have something productive to say...

Front Porch Society said...

I agree with you Mr Smith...

Gun or no gun, I do not willingly go out of my way to put myself into a dangerous situation just because of my trusty side-arm. That is utter stupidity.

Guns do not make people invincible or macho. Nor do they give a person a right to act tough and invite trouble upon themselves.

I have had to only draw my weapon once off-duty. I never shot it (thankfully), but the drug dealer attempting to break down my apartment door at 2am has never bothered me again. (the joys of working in law enforcement...some people just can't let it go and come looking for payback)

I did not puruposely throw myself into some dangerous situation where I begged him to come breaking down my door. He chose to search me out and harm me.

But he came to a quick understanding that I was not afraid to defend myself if the need so presented itself. Nor would I hesitate.

But I also used sound judgment when displaying the weapon, knowing this man would immediately come to his senses when facing the barrel of my gun. (i have dealt with him many times)

He immediately complied to all commands, was cuffed, and taken into custody. And I have never had a problem with him since that incident. (and, yes, my door did get fixed)

I had every right to defend myself at that moment and if I had decided to shoot him as he broke through my door, I would have been justified. But I did not.

It is called judgment - knowing how to be a responsible gun owner and knowing when the appropriate time is to use that gun. Common sense.

Some people (like a certain patent lawyer), obviously lack said common sense and judgment. They assume those of us who carry a badge are out to "prove" ourselves. They assume we feel invincible and above the law because we do carry a weapon. But their assumptions are ignorant.

We are held to the letter of the law just like the citizens we swore to protect and serve. And we demonstrate common sense and critical judgment on and off the job.

No, a gun does not give us certain powers and a gun does not make us above the law. Contrary to what some believe.

David Woycechowsky said...

It seems like you are reading things into my comments that just aren't there.

Without a gun, I still say brave, but foolhardy. With a gun, not brave and not foolhardy. YMMV.

Officer Wright said...

Sometimes the second grade response is the best response.