Thursday, July 9, 2009

Use Your Head...

So there I was, tooling along, minding my own GODDAMN business, when what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a big ass pickup truck double parked on my main drag.

Of course it had its "write me a ticket" flashers on too.

So, of course, I had to write up a parking stub...

Just as I finished writing the rag and walked up to slap it on the windshield, here comes Mr. Big Ass Pickup Truck Driver trotting out of the small engine shop hollering "Hey, hey... I'll move right now."

I said "Please do" as I tucked the ticket under his driver side wiper. Not content to pay his well earned $45 ticket, he wanted to argue the point.

"Well, I had to go in here and get a tool", he said. "That's nice", I said, "Maybe you could park at the curb like everyone else."

"I was only here for a minute", he said. "It took me longer than that to circle the block and write the ticket", I replied.

Mr. Driver insisted there was no place for him to park nearby. I pointed out two spots at the end of the block, and about twenty on the other side of the street.

"You want me to carry that tool all the way across this street? Come on man, use your head."

I explained to Mr. Driver that he might want to take his own advice regarding using one's head. I pointed out to Mr. Driver that in order to make it convenient for him to grab his tool (yes, I really did say that), he was inconveniencing the fifty other drivers who had to stop, change lanes, or let another driver change lanes to get around his aforementioned big ass truck.

He still couldn't get his head around the idea that he was not special, and therefore had not earned the right to inconvenience others just so he wouldn't have to walk an extra hundred feet or so.

As his parting shot, or so he thought, he said "Well, since you already gave me the ticket, I guess I'll just leave it there..." as he walked away.

When I replied "Well, I guess I'll start writing the second ticket while I'm waiting for the tow truck", he finally got the point and moved out of my damned roadway.

When will folks start taking responsibility for their own actions?


Jannah Swiftwing said...

My SO works parking enforcement where we live, and it's just astounding how true the term 'you can't cure stupid' is. The amount of tickets going out for stuff like this, and people trying to argue the tickets...

Front Porch Society said...

Good for you!

*Goddess* said...

Something tells me that "use your head" might not be a wise thing to say to a police officer holding a ticket book...

Anonymous said...

It's probably a good thing I'm not a police officer...Once the guy started arguing, I woulda racked my brains trying to come up with something, ANYTHING, I could legitimately add to his ticket...LOL

Anonymous said...

Some people have a empty space between their ears. He was one of them.

Alison said...

Thanks for taking the time to set things right. Folks get away with a lot of violations simply because there wasn't an officer in the right place at the right time.

SparkySanDiego said...

You ask "when" will people start taking responsibility for their actions? When we demand it!! Society is slow to respond to idiots but eventually will. Heck, here in San Diego when idiots don't get it they add another stooopid law. Take drinking at the beach... 25 drunk idiots start a riot and now 2.5 million people can't enjoy a beer or glass of wine on the sand as the sun sets... Bang them every time... no breaks... give them a break... the sense of entitlement is re-enforced... Good job!!