Saturday, May 29, 2010

Here We Go Again...

CBS 5 is once again referring to a suspect as a "victim".

Pinole Police officers shot and killed a parolee this week, and every time the story pops up on the "news", they refer to the dead guy not as "the suspect", "the parolee" or even "the shithead". They call him the "victim".

How do the people responsible for these news stories (emphasis on the "story" rather than the "news") convince themselves that a person who is ordered to show his hands and instead reaches for his waistband is a "victim"? The guy was on parole for prior drug crimes. He FU'd the officers for quite some time, purportedly ignored orders to show his hands, and generally failed to act as a parolee is required to act by the terms of his parole. And he got dead because of his own stupidity, hard-headedness, or whatever you choose to call the defect.

How does that make him a victim?

And before the anti-police crowd start in about the officers being loose canons, cowboys or whatever else you want to say, you'd better be able to show some sort of proof that what you say is true. I can back up everything I've written here.

Victim my ass...


W1KAS said...

I would like to make use of their own preferred vocabulary... that would be the ALLEGED victim, thanks. He is ALLEGEDLY dead.

Cleanville Tziabatz said...

Angela said...

I would have to agree that he's not a victim he's a dumbass. If someone is pointing a gun at me, i'm doing what ever they say...

Oh *rolls eyes at the link cleanville posted*

ps. I feel for the officer involved, why don't the news talk about how awful it is for a police officer to fire their weapon in the line of duty, let alone take a life... that is a much better story.-J.

Jeff said...

The suspect knew what was required and he made his choices. Not much you can do about that. I feel for the officer who has to live with what has happened.

Dispatcher Sassy Pants said...

Fatal stupidity does not a victim make.

clady said...

I'm always wondering that myself...victim? Of what?

The media is not a friend to LE.

BootedCop said...

Never good form to bring a cell phone to a gunfight.

Cleanville Tziabatz said...

*rolls eyes at the link cleanville posted*


do you know why I posted it?