Oh, who the Hell am I kidding. Of COURSE there are words...
Scum sucking, bottom feeding, hypocritical, and one that starts with the letter "N" that I can't use because I'm the wrong color. And that's just to start.
People like this ass are the reason I have no sympathy for the Oscar Grants of the world. People like this heathen piece of shit wait for some "brutha" to die at the hands of a "corrupt cop" so they can scream MURDER even though they have no idea what the word even means, then they'll have an excuse to riot, steal and anything else short of murder.
It had to be some dumb-fuck with twisties and the standard hood-rat uniform of long white t-shirt and six sizes too big jeans. But if I stop someone because they're dressed like that I'm "profiling". Funny how I rarely see anyone dressed like that who's not smoking weed, chugging a stolen Steel Reserve or O.E., robbing someone, or just generally standing in the shadows acting shady.
The truly telling part of the above photo is the fact that this ass is wearing an Oscar Grant mask, presumably to disguise his identity whilst looting the Foot Locker store, but can't be troubled to cover his hands, and is thereby photographed leaving the biggest hand print anyone has probably ever seen on the door mullion of the store.
Hey, OPD, are you listening? Send an ID tech out there and lift that print!
Burglary in the name of Oscar Grant.
Low-life sack of shit...
Hm, sounds like you've had a few (read: many) bad experiences with his type before!
On a more positive note, check out the comments on this article: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/inoakland/detail?&entry_id=67648 The author's throwing out all the exaggerations and half-truths that piss you off, and all the commenters are calling him on his bullshit. It's rare to find that level of unity and rationality on the internet!
Dear Officer Smith,
Ummm, words fail me too. For instance, irony isn't exactly right.
To wear Mr. Grant's face while avenging Mr. Grant's death while the criminal trial did give you plenty of what you wanted and the civil trial hasn't begun, and,
What footlocker as to do with it is anyone's guess.
The language of grievance is used around the world to mask the fact that there is money to be made by conflict. I learned that in international relations/conflict resolution. I have seen little in the interim that is an exception.
Good luck, Officer Smith. I linked you in my post on Mr. Mehserle, for your perspective.
I appreciate all you do, all you say, and what you refrain from saying as well. I refer not to the pejorative term, but to your restraint in general.
Ann T.
FWIW, I've read that the majority of the guys smashing windows and tagging storefronts were "professional" anarchists that take advantage of gatherings like this to cause trouble. My LEO SO's area had some similar issues earlier this summer involving what began as a "street party" and ended as a downtown window-smashing free-for-all by anarchists.
Some people will look for any excuse to steal and break the law...and any opportunity.
I can't see that pic. But then again, I don't have to...
I think I'm too young to be so jaded, but I couldn't agree more with your post. I can't have any sympathy for the people that put themselves in bad situations either. You couldn't be more right about the "profiling" thing either. It's such bull that we tie the hands of law enforcement because someone is a different skin color than the officer.
The whole thing surrounding the Oscar Grant thing has enraged me. The general disrespect that our law enforcement receives from the public disgusts me. Please keep telling it like it is, it gives heart to supporters who DO appreciate what you all do for us every day.
Btw, who is OPD really going to send over to process prints? They've probably fired them too...
Hello Officer Smith. Sorry to go completely off topic here, but I was going back through some of your posts and came up with a question about stop lights as I was reading your post from 1/5/10. At what point is it illegal to enter an intersection when the light is turning red? If you make it the last millisecond of yellow are you legal? For some reason I have always thought you had to be halfway through the intersection before the light turned red or else you were breaking the law.
I hope you have time to answer this one real quick. Love your blog! Thanks to you and your fellow officers for keeping dinglebats like me safe. :-)
No problem. It's very simple actually. If any part of your vehicle has crossed the limit line before the light turns red, you're fine.
The limit line, or the first line of a crosswalk if there is one, is the deciding factor.
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