Monday, April 4, 2011

I got nothin'...

It has been over a month since I've had anything worthwhile to post on here. I don't know about y'all, but I get tired of posting the same rehashed stories over and over again.

It really doesn't seem fair to my readers to keep checking back and find I haven't posted anything.

Not only that, but when I re-read my recent posts, I think I sound like a bitchy old hag. And that's not me.

Maybe it's time to hang it up.

I dunno.


Katherine said...

I personally appreciate everything you have to share with us, so hopefully you'll keep on bloggin'! It's a lot more interesting than you give yourself credit for :)

Expatriate Owl said...

I, for one, enjoy and appreciate your postings.

Most of us who blog go through our burnout periods; you obviously are in one now (and I have still not totally shaken my latest bout with burnout).

You will eventually be inspired by an experience. And when you are, your readership will be delighted as ever to read your posting.

So take a break and lay low if you must, Officer, but don't hang it all up!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Katherine

Meadowlark said...

Just insist that your readers follow in (on?) a feed reader. That way we only come back when you post. Don't go away though!!!

CAcopwife said...

I'm a fan of your blog, hope you keep it up. It's been interesting, informative, and comical.

Unknown said...

i personally enjoy the commentary from a police officer's perspective about general topics, such as current events and what not

suz said...

Dry spell. A sign of creativity. I hope you continue.

Sister Copinherhair said...

No no no...don't hang it up. Just be like me. Take a break when things get boring or too busy.

911 and the Randomness.. said...

I agree with Katherine. Besides, the way you write is neat and even if it's the same story, I'll still read it. Life is made up of the same moments over and over sometimes. And you don't have to post every week. Hope you keep it up when and if you feel like it.


Ron said...

Write for yourself ...not for us. I follow you via RSS, so it is fine if there is a dry spell every now and then!

W1KAS said...

keep on going! I'll keep reading.

Unknown said...

For what it's worth, I agree with Katherine.

Once I figured out how to do the whole RSS feed thing on my homepage, it made keeping up with new posts (both here and elsewhere) a lot easier. Hopefully you continue posting -- whether it's sporadic or every other second, as I think you've got a good thing going here.

And if you feel that the posts are semi-negative but they're helping you unload on anonymous folks online, then maybe it's better if you do take a break or stop entirely. At least with the blog you're able to vent some on those that you don't live with or work with -- and we're willingly coming to read, so I guess it's to everyone's benefit for you to keep posting if it's helping you, that is.

Dunno either way, but I hope you do what's best for you. Stay safe out there!

Wandering Soul said...

I took a blog break for about a year. Started a new blog. And decided to post for myself, not caring if anyone reads it or not.

Ray said...

To those of us outside the realm of law enforcement these stories are more interesting than you may realize. I hope you'll stick with it, even if you need a vacation.

Beat And Release said...

Sometimes you just gotta take a break. I submitted my medical retirement several weeks ago and have largely been sitting on my butt since then. The new idea for a book has been sitting right here with me, with only a nominal bit of research having been completed.

Several months ago when I was researching PTSD and cop stress I kept reading that immersion is the best treatment. Umm...I beg to differ. I was immersed - for over twenty years. I also taught the subject at the high school and college level for thirteen years. In addition, I wrote a blog and started a book on my adventures. That is about immersed as one can get, IMO.

In the past three weeks I have fired up the computer exactly three times. The desire to write is still there, but it is in a dormant phase right now. I, too, don't want to relate the same old stuff. The time off has made me realize something, though. I have FORGOTTEN more stories over the last twenty years than most people have to tell in a lifetime.

Looking forward to seeing more from you eventually. Take Care.

Unknown said...

To us non police folk, these repeating stories are still very interesting and entertaining.

Maybe talk about stuff not just related to the job if that will spark your interest?

Fl1k3r_sp33d said...

I hope you decide to stick around Ofc. Smith, i find your blog just plain awesome, as Katherine said your blog is so much more interesting than you think

MotorCop said...

Don't give in, Smith! This is a valuable forum to connect and exorcise some of those demons. If you find yourself being all too negative, post some stuff about the funny and uplifting things that happen as well!

The decision is yours, my friend. I have appreciated your posts!

Jeff said...

As one of your readers the reason I keep checking back is because I really enjoy reading what you have to say. So don't stop on my account I'm a patient man I don't mind waiting.
If you find it more of a chore than a pleasure then that's another matter but if you stop you are going to be sorely missed.

FroneAmy said...

From someone who goes through spurts of blogging, I think you just have to do what makes you happy with it. Often people read without your awareness, or read much later than you've posted. Some of the best bloggers out there are sporadic at best.

I'm sure there are more things you would like to blog about but just can't, as dictated by your job. There are plenty of times I've wanted to blog about something from my husband's job and can't either. Do what works for you.

The Grumpy Dispatcher said...

I hear ya, in a dry spell at this end, too.

Hopefully it will pass. Don't force yourself. Let it come back on its own schedule.

If it never comes back, we get it, we understand.

Gigi said...

I just came back you can't hang it up now!!

les1 said...

While the stories are the same to you, they are not, to your readers. To those of us experiencing and learning vicariously from your war stories, they are invaluable.
Thanks for the writings. Hope you get over the dry spell.