Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Rare and Elusive Blog Recommendation...

Recently I received an e-mail from a reader commenting on my blog.

As I read the e-mail it occurred to me that the person writing the e-mail actually cared about their writing.  It was obvious there was proof-reading involved,  there were no grammatical or spelling errors, and the person writing was quite articulate.

Imagine my surprise when I found out this person was a seventeen year old Police Explorer.

Andrea is an Explorer with an agency in Ohio, and during our e-mail exchanges I was very positively impressed with her writing skills and her thoughts on the law enforcement profession, so I encouraged her to start her own blog.

Check it out.


Andrea said...

It's funny how you don't have to personally know someone for them to inspire you.

Gayle Reece - "Sally Shield" pen name said...

I just stumbled upon your blog today.I like it and I think I will become a regular reader. I too have had a varied carer in law enforcement an started a blog entitled Sally Shield Says about one month ago. Please
visit and pass on the address to others if you would. I'm trying to build up an audience.