Thursday, March 2, 2023

Still Kickin'...

For some reason, today I decided to pull up the ol' blog and see if it still worked (or if I could even still access it).  

Looks like it still does (and clearly, I still can).

Every now and again, I still have an experience or story that makes me think, "This is some Officer Smith shit right here!"

In the current times, it's really not very "career safe" to post on these things anymore.  At least not like I used to.  But, if anyone cares after all these years, I'm still kickin'.  

I'm still working.  I still love the job and wouldn't trade it for anything.  And I'm still at Smithville and can't imagine myself working at any other agency.  I'm a lifer, I guess.

Sometimes people still annoy the living shit out of me, but the closer I get to retirement age, the less I let it get to me.

Maybe if I get some harebrained idea about something I can post that won't be likely to result in administrative action, I'll post it here occasionally.  

Don't get all excited, now...

I said maybe.

And God knows it's getting harder and harder all the time.  California is getting ever safer to be a criminal, and ever more hazardous to be a cop.  We'll see what happens.  But it's still a front row ticket to the greatest show on earth.

At the very least, maybe when I retire (which gets shockingly closer with each birthday) I'll find it within myself to come back to this little corner of the world and post about some of the shit that's not safe to post about right now, if I hope to remain gainfully employed.

Which I do.

Point is, yes, I still exist.  

And yes, I still see this blog occasionally.

To anyone who takes the time to read this, thank you.

Be good to each other...


ScotchDave said...

Glad you're alive and well, hope you get back to posting someday.

Joel said...

Hey, Officer Smith! I just pulled up my own blog for the first time in a while and saw in my sidebar that you had posted recently. Good to see you back and I hope you have some good stuff to post. Maybe I'll finally get around to blogging again.(As I've promised myself many times I would and then didn't follow through.)