Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pondering, Again...

To quote Sinister Sam...I wanna know why.

Why do people come to this country illegally, only to run their new neighborhood down and make it just like the neighborhood they left in their home country? I regularly drive through our local "little Mexico". Trash piled in the gutters. Gaudily painted houses occupied by three times the number of people they were designed to house. Three, wheel-less '67 Impalas on cinder blocks in the front yard. House painted gaudy colors with a white wrought iron fence around it.

Why do people come to this country, legally or illegally, and refuse to learn our language or adapt to our customs? If I move to Russia, I will be expected to learn to speak Russian and live like a Russian. There are no taco trucks in Moscow. Why here?

Why do people come here illegally and complain that they are not treated equally? We don't deport them for every little thing, although perhaps we should. They gripe that we towed their vehicle because they didn't have a license. We're picking on them because they are Mexican. Not true. It just happens that the majority of White, Black and Asian drivers actually HAVE a license. That would explain why they get to keep their cars.

Then they bitch that they can't get a driver's license because they are here illegally. And? "But I have to drive to get work". So, let me get this straight. Because you came here illegally, and you want to work illegally, and avoid paying taxes illegally, you might as well drive illegally?

Let me go try the same tactic in Mexico and see how long I spend in jail.


Captain Tightpants said...

Same issues here I'm afraid - fortunately our judges have FINALLY started wising up to a lot of it & are starting to give actual time on offenses like driving with no OL... plus ICE has stepped up to the plate on deportations a lot more frequently.

Will it be the same come January 21st? I don't know yet...

MJ said...

I don't know if you'd want to be in those jails, though.....

Front Porch Society said...

Should be interesting to see what happens with illegal immigration laws come January.....

Anonymous said...

Officer Smith,
the biggest problem is political correctness. The p.c. crowd says we must adapt not the immigrants. We must learn to speak their language. Not them to learn to speak english.

tired.dispatcher said...

If a person lives in ANY country, to be able to have equal rights and possibilities, a person must speak and read the language. Become a citizen. A person must follow the rules of the country they reside in.

Unless you're in America. Than, it doesn't matter. The schools will get a teacher who can speak your language to teach you. The hospitals will give you medical care whether you're legal resident or not. The government will allow you to vote in whatever language you prefer. Vehicles can be purchased and driven by those with training or license or not; or even have to have insurance. And you can do all this with little worry about jail, due to overcrowding problems. Or worry about being shipped home. After all, America has an open door policy for all riff raff. I mean, an open door policy to allow other cultures to continue to live away from their home in the same manner that made the move to another country to escape and improve their lot of life.

Man, I'm getting dizzy.

TheBronze said...

It could be worse. At least our cops don't shake them down for money to get out of having their cars towed...

Officer "Smith" said...

Maybe not, but I have had them try to pay me not to tow their car.

That just get's the car towed even faster.

TheBronze said...

Of course! That's what they do with the "cops" in Meh-hi-co.

Murphy's Law said...

I love traffic stops on illegals. It always goes something like this:

Me: "License and registration, please."

Illegal (with confused look on face: " Wocka, wocka, wocka, wocka..."

Me: "Do you have a drivers' license?"

Illegal: "wocka, wocka, wocka..."

Me: "Do you understand English?"

Illegal: "Wocka, wocka, wocka..."

Me: Does ANYONE in here understand English?

From interior of car: "Wocka, wocka, wocka, wocka, wocka, wocka..."

Me (opening car door): OK, everyone out. (They seem to understand that, so they all get out and line up. Hmmm..)

Me (while maintaining eye contact with the group: "OK, someone's dropping money on the ground."

Illegals all look down. (They understood THAT--and everything else--just fine.)

Me: "OK, now that we've established that you all DO understand English and LIE..."

Illegals all break out in sheepish smiles.

Yeah, I can't imagine why the police don't just shower Illegals with candy every time we meet em...

Berserk said...

A few months ago, an illigal immigrant driving drunk in my city caused a crash that took out part of an ice cream shop, killing a toddler. Ever since then, the department, the jail, ICE, and even the courts seem to be frowning a lot heavier on illegals.

TheBronze said...

What do Mexicans and cue-balls have in common?

The harder you hit them, the more English you get out of them!

Favorite cop joke, evah!

Anonymous said...

I just wish our agency would charge them everytime they call and say they need translation services!!! How is it they always answer the question in spanish before the translator can translate what I say???

Just try to assimilate!! fuzzys dad.. sadly ur to correct!