Monday, September 28, 2009

Big Brown...

UPS drivers are, for the most part, some of the most polite individuals I have met.

But they can't park.

I am still not certain why a UPS truck will always find itself double parked in a traffic lane when there is usually an empty space at the curb right next to it, or a loading zone a few car lengths away.

I guess I just don't get it...


Ed Parrott said...

Fear of not getting out. There is an absolute minimum number of packages that must be delivered, period.

Jannah Swiftwing said...

Ditto from up north! We don't bother UPS trucks, but they sure can't park here either. Nine times out of ten it's best to walk away, shaking one's head and trying not to laugh.

Anonymous said...


Front Porch Society said...

I don't get it either. In fact, I don't think I have ever seen one properly park.

Jacob said...

I think they consider the cost of tickets a cost of doing business.. and the 30 seconds they shave off their route by double-parking adds up to be cheaper than paying tickets. Doesn't make it right, though, or any less annoying. Out here in the East, if they didn't double-park, in some cases there wouldn't be any packages delivered.

HonkingAntelope said...

This is probably one of those optimizations UPS does in order to improve the efficiency of their drivers. UPS routing software already eliminates left turns unless absolutely necessary, and all its drivers are taught to do things like put on the seatbelt and turn the ignition at the same time or to scan for the doorbell on approach rather than scanning. Doubleparking rather than taking the time to find a legal parking spot down the street can easily shave off enough time to squeeze in a few extra deliveries, with parking tickets being chalked up as the cost of doing business.

2 wheel terror said...

They're also some of the most polite drivers I've ticketed.

5150Wife said...

I only WISH they'd get ticketed around here. I have no idea who decided they're above the law. (same goes for mail carriers too)

Me~Kelly said...

i am enjoying the blog but have a question - are you a traffic cop? i'm only finding traffic related posts?

Officer "Smith" said...

Dig back a bit and you'll find non-traffic related material.

It just happens that I have a lot more traffic related peeves and anecdotes than I do useful or entertaining patrol stuff. Also, I can relate traffic stories without getting into so much detail that it can be narrowed down to one of my specific cases, thereby identifying me.