Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Those Damned Fool Taggers...

While I was riding home from work this evening I took notice of something in my rearview mirror.  I saw that someone had spray painted graffiti on the back side of a railroad bridge over the freeway.

The thing is, this part of the freeway has the east and westbound lanes separated by some distance, so the only way you can see the graffiti is to look back at it, or be stuck on the side of the road somewhere beyond the bridge.

I thought to myself, "What kinda idiot do you have to be to tag the BACK side of a bridge where nobody can read it unless they're looking in their mirror?"

Then it occurred to me...

I COULD read it in my mirror...

Because it was painted backwards...

So it could be read in the mirror and look the right way round...



Melissa said...

That is fantastic. Cheeky kid.

Jeff said...

Ah..... if only they would use their powers for good.

Burnout said...

*sigh* never underestimate the ingenuity a bored person has... at least they channeled it to that and not carjacking someone looting a house, or murder like they would out my way.